Duplicate Check Registry entry

Specifies a list of fields to use to check for duplicates of a record being entered and creates the Duplicate Check menu item.


This Registry entry is assigned to groups:

Key 1Group
Key 2Default
Key 3Table
Key 4table
Key 5Duplicate Check
Key 6menu entry
Valuefield:query condition;field:query condition;...


menu entry

is a descriptive label that will display in the module's Duplicate Check sub menu (Registration>Duplicate Check>menu entry).

field:query condition;field:query condition;...

is a semicolon separated list of field and query pairs for generating a duplicate check.

The query condition is optional. Valid query conditions are OR, YEAR and MONTH:

  • OR means to generate an OR query for the terms in the listed field.
  • YEAR means to generate only a year query with the date field.
  • MONTH means to generate a year and month query with the date field.


This entry specifies that when running duplicate checks from the Births module the Mother’s Given Names and Child Date Of Birth will be used. When generating the query to find a match the Mother’s Given Names field and Child' D.O.B will be OR’d:

Key 1 Group
Key 2 Default
Key 3 Table
Key 4 ebirths
Key 5 Duplicate Check
Key 6 Mother's Name or Child's DOB
Value MotherGivenNames:OR;ChildDateOfBirth